The following Design principles are applied in my plan:
- Equitable- By utilising a more flexible approach to the paper "Participation in Occuaption 2" It will create less face to face get togethers. These get to gethers are gender dominated by european young hetrosexual females. This dominance of culture and gender may influence how others from a different culture or gender or sexual orientation participate. By allowing a blended delivery approach it may encourage others from a different gender or ethnicity to participate and communicate more fully.
- Flexibility- By creating a blended approach those people with time constraints may be able to conduct their tutorials at a time that suits them. People that study part time or have families may find that having an element of self directed tutorials with access to a book with internet information can complete the work outside of the usual face to face time slots of the past.
Simplicity- Going from lecture pedagogy lead lectures to explanations coming from books articles, research led self direction. People can find out the meaning of this paper in an increased variety of ways.
Intuitive/Perceptable- The nature and aim of this paper is to increase the understanding of value and meaning in occupation. By changing some of the ways this information can be given and found by the student could lead to a greater understanding of this concept.
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